Today I dyed my hair black because I was sick of having faded red-purple hair. I actually wanted to go red, but I realized that since it's summer and I'm going to Vegas next week, the red will bleed when I sweat and swim and just exist so black was a more sensible choice. Usually you go lighter in the summer and darker in the winter.... but seeing that my natural hair color is black anyways, I'm sure going darker won't affect me at all. Black for someone who naturally has black hair is seasonless.
I spent most of today playing League of Legends. I'm still not very good. In fact, I pretty much stink, but I think I can squeeze in a few kills and assists against other players on ARAM. When it first came out, I wasn't too keen on playing and got pretty mad when my boyfriend went on a LoL binge. So ironic that I'm getting into it around the time I'm getting back into cosplay. It's actually pretty darn fun, especially when you get better. Which I guess I am.... but I still really stink and I have no idea what I'm doing.
I do notice that I tend to go for melee characters. Maybe I should try range?
My mom made spaghetti for dinner and I think I have a problem with eating too much wheat products. The past few days I felt nauseous and I have been eating way too much wheat products like pasta and bread. Time to cut back.
You know, I've noticed the same problem with wheat too. I just made the connection that all the weird stabbing pains I've been getting all around my upper body is related to some small form of GERD. Why do I have the feeling that our bodies just weren't made to process wheats and grains?