Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Interviews and makeup

Came back from an internship interview today! It was for the company that I thought I was rejected after the phone interview, so yay! FINALLY. The interview went well. I have no idea if "this interview is just a formality" means I got the internship or what. I'm just excited that it went well.

Makeup for the interview. I figured that since the company is considered a tech company, I could get away with not wearing a suit. I wore black flats (borrowed from my sister... they're so cute I am considering buying my own pair that looks similar), black knee length pencil skirt, white collared shirt, and a tan argyle sweater. Hair in a low bun, and minimal eye makeup (as in, highlight powder under brows). I just have on some tinted moisturizer, blush, tinted lip balm, and filled in my brows.

To be honest, I'm not crazy about wearing eye makeup to interviews, especially as a monolidder. Unless I'm working retail, most of the time I'm not wearing much eye makeup... if at all. My glasses do all the work! I spend lots of time picking out interesting frames, since I wear them daily. Since I favor bold frames, I find that wearing the typical slightly smoked eye competes with the frames a little bit and ends up not looking clean cut. 

Which brings me to another point: I'm not really a huge fan of wearing a smokey eye to an interview, even if that is standard and it looks really pretty for monolids. There's nothing wrong with it, it's just not for me because I personally just feel uncomfortable with it. Most of the time I'm not satisfied with how it turned out, and if I twiddle with it too much... all of the sudden it looks too much. It just brings too much unnecessary stress to the interview preparation, so I don't bother. Anyways, I don't think it's detrimental to have simple, clean makeup and wear simple, clean, professional clothing to interviews, unless you're interviewing in a field that's heavily involved with makeup. 

Anyways, my dog is at the vet today for her checkup and she pooped EVERYWHERE because she KNEW she was going to the vet. I always thought that it was funny that Garfield and Odie hated going to the vet, but I never thought that it was based on anything real.

Molly! Can't wait to see you! 

Monday, July 9, 2012

Bah backlogged

I have some posts that I have been working on, with tons of pictures. But there are a lot of pictures that I have to go upload and comment on! 

A few things are going on in my life at the moment. This summer, I am proactively trying to make it exciting and keep myself from being bored. I'm setting up loads of projects for myself, and generally keeping myself busy and somewhat productive, although I'm spending too much time watching TV. I'm trying to figure out a hobby for myself, not only to keep me occupied, but also to try to rediscover myself. One of the things that I lost in my long term relationship is who I am as a person, and what I like to do. I used to have tons of hobbies and skills, and they sort of... disappeared as I got older. Reading, going to conventions, cosplay, drawing, hanging out with friends even. I've definitely lost touch with my friends and while I love hanging out with my boyfriend, I don't think it's healthy to only hang out with the boyfriend. I've been reaching out to my buddies and trying to keep in touch and hang out, something that I found hard to do in high school, and even harder to do now. 

At least I'm trying, and being able to talk and connect with people I've known for years and haven't gotten a chance to form a meaningful relationship is great! It's always nice to have people to hang out with, anyways.

With all the fun I have been having, my eating habits have gone to shit. I went to Vegas, pigged out. I went to a wedding, and of course I pigged out. I've pigged out pretty much any occasion I could, and then I wondered why my clothes were getting uncomfortable. You people still in your teens... rejoice that you can eat whatever you want without worries! When you get to my age, you have to actually OMG start paying attention to what you eat because you're less active, old, more stressed, got a slower metabolism, and you're probably still eating like you did in college or high school and snorfing down whatever crosses your path. Oh, to be young again... I was 115 pounds in high school, and while I haven't gained a huge amount of weight, I'm now 121 pounds and I would like to be back where I was in high school, preferably less. Since the modern world gives us technology that lets us be frivolous, of course I downloaded an app to track my food and my calories. Not that I am very good at keeping track consistently in the first place...

Not bad for the first day, right? I'm trying to stick to a few rules: no eating after 7PM, reduced candy and sweets, eat the bulk of calories at lunch, eat breakfast, and make an effort to stretch every day because I am definitely starting to feel like rubber that has been in the sun for too long. 

I'm setting my goals at an ambitious 102 pounds, but really I would be happy at 105 or so. I'm not crazy about my calorie budget, but keep in mind that I am short, so 1500 really is maintenance calories for me. 

The face of the day! I'm getting obsessed with using taupe eyeshadow to create an easy daytime smokey eye! It looks really effortless and pretty, and a refreshing alternative to using brown. Since my hair and skin are cool toned, I feel like taupe looks more harmonious on me than brown at the moment. This was the first time my sister said that she was drawn to my eyes and that they really stood out. Impressive, because I am not shy with the black eyeshadow, lashes, and the black eyeliner! 

Also memorable: At the beginning of the year, I decided that I would support my boyfriend with his no fast food ban. I firmly broke that today and ate Jack in the Box and it was probably one of the most delicious things I had. And so cheap! My brother got the $4.99 All American combo, and I think that is probably not only one of the best deals EVER, but pretty darn delicious. I know people scoff at American fast food. I personally have friends who pride themselves in never eating McDonalds and never even setting FOOT in the restaurants... but I guess I'm just like the masses contributing to the fast food empire. And it doesn't hurt to eat such things once in a while. Just avoid the chicken nuggets. I don't understand the point of processed chicken when fried chicken is already heavenly.